Category Archives: Personal

Security – The online kind
I am an easy touch. I will happily listen to what people want to say to me and in chatting I will always assume that people are being honest. However that does not make me gullible. I will trust my … Continue reading

Hi There
From time to time I am gettingĀ hits from someone in the UK who finds my site by searching for my name in Google.. Hello to you, whoever you are. I hope that you enjoy the occasional posts and photographs … Continue reading

Seat – With river views
Swan River – Bayswater.

Architecture – Sydney Opera House Click for further architecture photos on this site

I’ve been dreaming of..
a new camera. NO! This is not some bad Photoshop make over. This is my camera which has started to sporadically take really bad photos. The LCD display is playing up and the zoom lens won’t extend fully without creating … Continue reading

Skyworks 2007
With the temperature in Perth going over 41C, it was a last minute decision to head towards the city to watch the Australia day fireworks display. Rather than attempting to join the chaos that occurs around all the river vantage … Continue reading

Christmas 2006
Merry Christmas and selamat Natal everyone.

It was bloody dark
That was my first impression of Daylight Savings when I got up for work this morning. Yes, now Perth has daylight savings and once again old debates have been stired up regarding the pros and cons of it all. Myself … Continue reading

It sat by the door of the shop. Discarded. A fast food store drink cup that someone had finished with. Someone who was too lazy to walk the 2 extra metres to the rubbish bin. In the corner it sat … Continue reading